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Andrés R. Saravia

PhD Student in Computer Science

Master Student in Applied Mathematics

Who I am.

My name is Andrés Román Saravia. I am a PhD student in Computer Science (CS) and Master Degree student in Applied Mathematics at FaMAF-UNC, Argentina. I finished my Master thesis in CS (titled "Tableaux calculus for elementary formulae in Separation Logics") in 2020 under the supervision of Raul Fervari at FaMAF-UNC, Argentina.

My interests in research include:

  • Modal Logics, Model theory, Proof theory and Computational complexity.
  • Dynamic Logics, Epistemic Logics, Separation Logics, Knowledge representation and Automated deduction.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Computer Simulation.

Member of the Logics, Interaction and Intelligent Systems (LIIS) group, at FaMAF-UNC (Argentina).


CV in English

CV in Spanish





  • Carlos Areces, Valentín Cassano, Pablo F. Castro, Raul Fervari, Andrés R. Saravia. How Easy it is to Know How: An Upper Bound for the Satisfiability Problem. Accepted for JELIA 2023.
  • Carlos Areces, Raul Fervari, Andrés R. Saravia, Fernando R. Velázquez-Quesada. Uncertainty-Based Knowing How Logic. Accepted for JLC 2023.
  • Carlos Areces, Valentín Cassano, Pablo F. Castro, Raul Fervari, Andrés R. Saravia. A Deontic Logic of Knowingly Complying. AAMAS '23: Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, pages 364–372, 2023. [link] [mirror] [talk] [poster]
  • Carlos Areces, Raul Fervari, Andrés R. Saravia, Fernando R. Velázquez-Quesada. First Steps in Updating Knowing How. Dynamic Logic. New Trends and Applications, pages 1-16, 2022. [link] [mirror] [talk]
  • Carlos Areces, Raul Fervari, Andrés R. Saravia, Fernando R. Velázquez-Quesada. Uncertainty-Based Semantics for Multi-Agent Knowing How Logics. Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge, TARK XVIII, pages 23-38, 2021. [link] [mirror] [talk]
  • Andrés R. Saravia. Tableau calculi for elementary formulae in Separation Logics. Master Computer Science thesis, FaMAF-UNC, 2020. [link] [mirror] [talk]

Other talks

  • Epistemic Logics with Strategies. University of Bergen, 2023. [link]
  • Epistemic Logics with Strategies. São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Contemporary Logic, Rationality, and Information, 2023. [link] [talk]
  • Strategically knowing: a new framework of modal logics. Noveno Taller Argentino de Fundamentos para el Análisis y la Construcción Automática de Software, 2022. [link] [talk]
  • Una lógica epistémica para el razonamiento estratégico. Seminario informal, FaMAF-UNC, 2021. [talk]